

亚洲博彩平台排名 is authorized to offer online education under the National Council for 国家授权 Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), 涵盖 52个州和美国.S. 领土 由四个地区教育协约管理. NC-SARA allows 亚洲博彩平台排名 to provide distance learning programs (both online and in the form of supervised field experiences) and coursework to residents of states other than Rhode Island. 国家授权互惠协议是一个持续的评估过程, 各机构每年都会得到重申.

的 University's membership in NC-SARA does not address online/远程教育项目s leading to professional licensure. 请参阅以下有关专业执照计划的信息.

该协议要求亚洲博彩平台排名最初直接与学生合作 投诉的解决. 作为第一步, all students should initially seek resolution to their complaints by notifying the relevant department chair or program director in their area of study. Concerns may often be resolved to the student’s satisfaction after meeting and communicating with the department chair or program director. Students whose complaints remain unresolved at this level are encouraged to contact the academic office of the level in which they are enrolled:

(401) 341-2216

(401) 341-2338

该流程是否不满足任何要求, 如有需要,可向下列机构提出投诉.


沃里克,RI 02886
(401) 736-1164

解决投诉的程序 是由罗德岛州高等教育专员办事处提出的.


加州: 作为一个认可的非营利性机构, 亚洲博彩平台排名 is not required to register with the 私立专上教育局 and therefore may offer online distance education to students located in California.

(916) 431-6959
(916) 263-1897(传真)


亚洲博彩平台排名提供了几个项目,导致罗德岛州的专业执照. NC-SARA会员资格不授予互惠或免除亚洲博彩平台排名国家专业许可要求. 结果是, 罗德岛州的执照要求可能不被认为足以在任何其他州获得执照. 各州在哪些职业需要获得执照以及执照如何发挥作用方面各不相同. 一些州要求个人从一个批准的项目毕业, 而另一些则要求个人满足国家组织的认证要求. 也可能需要特定数量的培训和/或通过考试. 通常持牌专业人员必须每年完成继续教育.


学生应该查看他们的学术课程的具体要求, 包括与实习有关的课程,以及执照预审资格. 亚洲博彩平台排名 highly recommends that students contact the applicable licensure board(s) in their home state or in the state where they intend to obtain a license before beginning an academic program that results in licensure and prior to beginning any practicum/internship.

除了成功完成学位,许多执照委员会还有额外的要求, 以及州法律, 法规和政策可能随时发生变化. 要求的变化会影响程序满足许可的教育要求的能力. It is the student's responsibility to check with the licensing board(s) in their home state or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. 亚洲博彩平台排名 shall not be held liable if the student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.


在索尔里贾纳大学注册任何课程之前, prospective students living and/or working outside of the United States should confirm with the appropriate certifying agency whether successful completion of any degree program will meet the credentialing requirements of the country in which they intend to seek employment, 对于某些类型的就业或高级/专业教育计划.


Academic programs that lead to licensure have been designed to meet the licensure/certification requirements in Rhode Island and prepare students to apply for licensure exams in Rhode Island. 的 licensure boards in each state are responsible for establishing the requirements for licensure/certification for their state. Students who intend to return or move to any state other than Rhode Island need to review the disclosures pertaining to their program and consult with the state professional licensing board. 的se boards make the ultimate decision as to whether an individual is eligible to sit for licensure based on the rules and regulations in place at the time the individual submits their application for licensure.


的 disclosures linked below indicate one of three statuses for each state: 的 program meets the requirements for licensure, the program does not meet the requirements for licensure or the program requirements are undetermined because 亚洲博彩平台排名 has not determined whether the program leads to licensure in a state. 为了这些目的,州包括哥伦比亚特区和美国.S. 保护国.

Students who wish to enroll in an online program indicated below and who reside in a state where the program does not meet or is undetermined must complete the student attestation of location form as part of the application process.






Federal regulations require 亚洲博彩平台排名 to directly notify prospective students or current students enrolled in degree programs leading to licensure when the degree program does not meet licensure requirements in the state in which they are located or when a determination has not been made for the state in which a student is located.

的 procedures outlined below define how the University determines the state in which a student is located as it relates to professional licensure notification requirements.


  • 适用于申请校本课程的学生, 他们的位置将被视为罗德岛.
  • 适用于申请在线学校的学生, 远程教育项目, their location will be considered the state listed on the application at the time of submission or the state provided by the applicant on the student attestation of location form.
  • 对于地址不包括美国大学的未来学生.S. 州或地区(e.g., 居住在美国以外的学生), 他们的位置将被视为罗德岛州.


  • 适用于在校学生, 他们的位置将被视为罗德岛.
  • 对于目前在网上注册的学生, 远程教育项目, their location will be considered the state where they are physically located while engaging with the educational instruction. This location will be determined at the time of notification review assessment per the information on record 在大学的学生信息系统.
    • 适用于住在大学赞助住房的学生, 他们的位置将被视为罗德岛.
    • 对于没有住在大学赞助的住房中并且有当前校外地址记录的学生, 他们的位置将被视为他们校外地址的状态.
    • 对于没有住在大学资助的住房和目前没有校外地址记录的学生, 他们的位置将被视为他们的家庭/永久地址的状态.
    • 如果学生的家庭/永久地址不包括美国.S. 州或地区(e.g.(居住在美国以外的学生),他们的位置将被视为罗德岛州. 这只适用于那些没有住在大学赞助的住房和没有校外地址记录的学生.

注册办公室保存学生的学业记录, 包括地址信息, 在大学的学生信息系统.

  • Student location designations will remain in effect until a student officially notifies the University of an address change.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to officially notify the University of a change in their off-campus and/or permanent address.
  • 学生可以使用以下功能更新校外地址 我的药膏 在“用户选项”下."
  • 学生可以通过提交一份 更改地址表格.


在一个项目的过程中搬迁到另一个州可能会有影响,如果学生可以留在项目中, 满足国家执照要求和/或继续获得财政援助资金. 在考虑搬迁之前, 请联系您的顾问讨论授权和执照资格要求.