FAFSA Simplification


的 FAFSA Simplification Act provides a streamlined process for completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 重新定义了具有误导性的术语,并扩大了联邦佩尔助学金计划,使更多的学生符合资格.

亚洲博彩平台排名的使命促使我们在整个转型过程中支持亚洲博彩平台排名. 当我们导航到2024-2025学年的财政援助过程的变化, 我们致力于为家庭提供个性化的咨询,以了解联邦财政援助计划的这些改进. 这包括分配萨尔维·里贾纳自己的财政资源,以帮助那些可能受到这些变化影响的人.

What is FAFSA Simplification?

FAFSA Simplification Act 包括学生和家庭如何申请联邦学生援助以及如何确定资格的前所未有的变化, providing a better and simpler experience with the FAFSA form.

的 FAFSA Simplification Act reduces the number of questions on the FAFSA, 扩大佩尔助学金的资格,取消过时的限制,使所有学生都能获得联邦学生援助. 其他改进包括与IRS直接交换收入数据元素, a new "Who's My Parent?" wizard and a single consolidated portal for assistance and resources. See the full list of changes.

What Has Changed?

FAFSA release date: 美国.S. 教育部将2024-2025年FAFSA的发布推迟到12月, two months after the usual Oct. 1版本. 的 2024-2025 FAFSA determines your financial aid eligibility for the fall 2024, spring 2025 and summer 2025 terms. Please note that this delay is temporary. After the 2024-2025 aid year, the FAFSA will be available Oct. 我和往常一样.

Streamlined application process: 的 FAFSA will feature fewer questions and requirements. 它还将使用国税局的直接数据交换来检索税务信息,而不是以前的国税局数据检索工具.

Expanding Pell Grant eligibility: 对新的学生援助指数计算的调整将使更多的学生有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金.

New Terminology

Student Aid Index: 一个资格指数,经济援助办公室将使用该指数来确定如果学生就读于亚洲博彩平台排名,该学生将获得多少联邦学生援助. This number results from the information that the student provides in the FAFSA.

贡献: 任何被要求提供信息以支持学生经济援助申请的人. A contributor is a parent, guardian or student's 配偶. 每个贡献者都需要有自己的联邦学生援助(FSA) ID,并且需要同意他们的信息被包含在学生的FAFSA上.

IRS Direct Data Exchange (DDX): 允许学生和贡献者将他们的IRS数据直接转移到FAFSA. 的re is no opt-out of this requirement. 如果资助者不同意,学生将没有资格获得联邦援助. (Consent is the process to approve the use of DDX; it requires an FSA ID and must be granted by all contributors to receive federal aid.)

Unusual circumstances: 对于希望要求审查其经济援助考虑的依赖状态的申请人. 在新的FAFSA下,学生将自动获得临时独立身份.

What is the Revised Timeline?

您可能知道由于FAFSA简化的实施,FAFSA处理延迟. 我们正在密切关注这一举措的推出,一旦我们获得了FAFSA的信息,我们将努力通过电子邮件及时为即将到来的一年提供经济援助.

As we adapt to the financial aid process changes for the 2024-2025 academic year, 我们致力于在这一过渡时期为您提供帮助,并确保您了解联邦财政援助计划的改进.


  • 免费申请2024-2025年联邦学生援助(FAFSA).

January-March 2024

  • Students and families continue to complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA.
  • 3月中旬, 教育署将开始分批向各院校派发“院校学生资料纪录”. 的se records contain crucial financial aid information for students, 包括学生资助指数(Student Aid Index, SAI)及其他决定是否有资格获得各类经济资助所需的资料.
  • Once we begin to receive ISIR information, 我们的经济援助团队将开始审查并向被录取的学生发出经济援助通知.

March-April 2024

  • March 1 is the priority deadline to complete the FAFSA.
  • 估计的经济援助offer会发给被录取的一年级学生和转学生. 如果你被大学录取并完成了经济援助程序, 你的经济援助offer将被上传到你的学生门户网站,你将通过电子邮件收到通知. 为了方便和参考,你的经济援助录取通知书的纸质副本将邮寄到你的家庭住址. 这确保了清晰度,并为您提供了多种途径访问和审查您的经济援助信息.

April-June 2024

  • Estimated financial aid offers are sent to returning students via their 药膏.edu email address.

How Can I Prepare for the FAFSA?

While the 2024-2025 FAFSA won't be available until December, you can still prepare by doing the following:

  • First-year students should create an FSA ID on the Federal Student Aid website and assist contributors, such as your parent(s) or 配偶, in creating an FSA ID. FSA ID是一个账户和密码,可以让你访问联邦学生援助的在线系统,并作为你的电子签名.
  • 回国的学生应该找到他们之前登录联邦学生援助网站时使用的FSA ID和密码.
  • With the FSA ID, 你可以在可用的时候填写FAFSA,并签署你的主本票和入学咨询(仅限第一年借款人)。. For the future, you will also use your FSA ID to apply for repayment plans, 完成贷款退出咨询并使用公共服务贷款减免帮助工具(如适用).
  • Complete the FAFSA as soon as it opens in December.

For School Counselors and Advocates

According to the U.S. Department of Education, beginning with the 2024-2025 award year, 财政援助管理员不能再代表学生(或家庭)在网上使用FAFSA提交原始或更新的FAFSA, 联邦航空局的访问, EDExpress or any other method. This includes school counselors, advocates and third parties who assist students, and there are no exceptions.

As in the past, 财政援助管理员可以帮助学生和家庭准备提交FAFSA, but the administrator cannot enter that data into FAFSA on the Web, 联邦航空局的访问, 等. for the student or family. 然而, the financial aid administrator can still submit corrections, updates and adjustments to FAFSA data.

这一限制是由于《亚洲博彩平台排名》的要求, which requires consent from each FAFSA contributor (student, 配偶, (如适用)从美国国税局获取联邦税务信息, as well as to protect the confidentiality of that information. See detailed information about the 2024-2025 FAFSA changes.