
在索尔里贾纳大学, our bachelor's degree in art history explores visual and material culture as forms of communication. 我们试图理解绘画, 雕塑, 体系结构, 装饰艺术, 纺织品, jewelry and archaeological objects within the historical and cultural contexts in which they were created. 图像有讲述故事的力量, and we study works of art to better understand the motivations, 信仰, 意识形态, 制造它们的人的恐惧和希望.


亚洲博彩平台排名 students enjoy the benefits of a small, vibrant program with a focus on individually tailored learning experiences and close working relationships with faculty. Coursework explores a wide range of cultures, periods and traditions from around the world, and students are encouraged to spend a semester studying abroad.

教室外, 亚洲博彩平台排名 students conduct and publish original research, pursue museum studies and work with collections, curate exhibitions for the University’s gallery, explore historic Newport and its rich 体系结构, 并在当地博物馆完成实习, 画廊, 库, 艺术机构和历史建筑.

Students have the opportunity to double major in 文化及历史保存, a complementary academic program that could broaden their career options.


Art history major Caylee Post '20 presented "Research, 收集, Curate and Digitize: How 本科s Created a Natural History 收集ion" at the College Art Association's 2020 conference alongside Dr. 安东尼Mangieri and Ernest Jolicoeur from the Department of Art and 艺术历史. The conference has been the largest international gathering of visual arts professionals in the world for a century.

 I've never spoken to anything at that level before, so I really wanted to make it professional. 这是一次非常谦卑的经历, and I got to go to other sessions and be able to talk to other people and observe what other professionals are doing in the field. 



Our art history program is coordinated by associate professor Dr. 安东尼Mangieri, whose recent book “Virgin Sacrifice in Classical Art: Women, Agency and the Trojan War” is a feminist art history study that explores what we can learn about historical people in ancient Greece and Rome through their artistic representation of myths of maiden sacrifice.​




We prepare students for a wide range of careers both within and beyond the art world. Traditional career paths include work in museums and 画廊, 内容管理, 拍卖行, 非营利组织, arts institutions and public education/outreach (including at museums).

Our program prepares graduates for graduate study in fields such as art history, 文物保育及博物馆研究. 由于其跨学科的性质, the art history major also provides excellent training for advanced study not only in the humanities, 也适用于攻读法律学位的学生, 医药和商业, 在其他领域.

亚洲博彩平台排名 graduates have worked in 画廊 and museums such as:

  • 亚利桑那州立大学美术馆
  • 迪斯尼公司
  • 古根海姆博物馆
  • 摩根图书馆与博物馆
  • 威廉·瓦雷卡美术

 Due to the liberal arts nature of Salve’s curriculum, you can customize your studies in order to recognize and concentrate your specific interests within the vast art field. 作为一个艺术史专业的学生, I was able to incorporate my interests and passions for 文化及历史保存 in addition to studio arts seamlessly into my curriculum, 以全面的艺术教育告终. My experience at Salve continues to encourage me to gain more knowledge and concentrate on my passions within the field of art history. 

Molly Richard ’13, gallery manager, 威廉·瓦雷卡美术

校友焦点:Sarah Beach '19

After completing an internship with the Preservation Society of Newport County, Sarah Beach '19, a double major in art history and 文化及历史保存, was seeking to further her skills at a larger institution.

 The Museum of Fine Arts interested me because of its large, comprehensive collection and advanced conservation facilities. 

通过竞争性的申请程序, Beach secured a summer internship with the museum's Furniture and Frame Conservation Laboratory. The internship focused on the conservation of wooden architectural elements, 乐器及家具, and helped her discover a passion for conservation.

 本科 internships are a great way to try out potential fields and learn what you are most interested in pursuing as a career. Gaining experience in real world institutions is invaluable to one's academic career and cannot be simulated in the classroom setting. 



14门课程| 40学分


  • ART091:新生艺术研讨会
  • ART208: History of World Art I: Prehistoric to 1400
  • ART209: History of World Art II: 1400 to Today
  • ART312: Classical Art and Archaeology or ART328: Myths and Legends in Greek Art: The Divine, 英雄与怪物 
  • ART316: Narrative and Meaning in Medieval and Renaissance Art
  • ART317:非西方艺术主题
  • ART354:艺术理论与批评
  • ART441: Senior Thesis Research in 艺术历史
  • ART442: Senior Thesis Production in 艺术历史
  • ART474: Apprenticeship/Internship in the Visual Arts or ART405: Curatorial Practice and the Gallery Experience

Students also take one elective course in studio art, along with three elective courses in art history or 文化及历史保存.



7门课程| 21学分


  • ART208: History of World Art I: Prehistoric to 1400
  • ART209: History of World Art II: 1400 to Today

Students also take one elective course in studio art and four elective courses in art history, approved in consultation with a departmental advisor.